How To Attract Engineers in the Solar Market

The solar energy market is experiencing a significant boom, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

As per Mordor Intelligence, the U.S. solar energy market is expected to grow and develop at a CAGR of 17.32% between 2022 and 2027.


This growth creates a pressing need for skilled engineers who can contribute to this green revolution. But how do we attract these bright minds to the solar market?

Let’s dive in.


1.  Introduction

2.  The Solar Energy Market in the United States

3.  Job Opportunities in the Solar Energy Sector

4.  Hiring Trends in the Renewable Energy Sector

5.  Attracting Top Talent in the Solar Energy Industry

6.  Challenges and Solutions in Hiring for the Solar Energy Industry

7.  The Future of Work in the Solar Energy Industry

8.  Conclusion

9.  FAQs


The Solar Energy Market in the United States

The U.S. solar energy market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape.

The increasing awareness of climate change drives the demand for solar energy, the falling cost of solar PV panels, and supportive government policies.

As per data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the occupation of solar photovoltaic installers is expected to witness the most rapid growth from 2019 to 2029, with an impressive growth rate of 51%.

Job Opportunities in the Solar Energy Sector

The solar energy sector is teeming with job opportunities. The industry needs many skills, from solar panel installers to project managers and engineers.

As per GSES International, the U.S. solar industry employed about 231,000 people in 2020, with California, Florida, and Texas leading the way in solar employment.

The sector covers installation, manufacturing, sales and distribution, project development, operations, and maintenance.


Please note that the job numbers and solar installed capacities are as of 2020.

Hiring Trends in the Renewable Energy Sector

The renewable energy industry, encompassing solar power, is experiencing intriguing employment trends. 

There is a swift expansion in various fields, such as business, environmental science, engineering, and social science. 

The need for roles like product managers, project engineers, construction managers, and supervisors is particularly high, notably in Europe, following the recent declaration of the green deal.

Attracting Top Talent in the Solar Energy Industry

Attracting top talent in the solar energy industry is about more than just offering competitive salaries.

It’s about creating an engaging work environment, off growth opportunities, and recognizing each employee’s value. HR managers must create and communicate the company culture, show the short and long-term ways employees can participate in the success of projects and the company, and offer flexible working arrangements.

Challenges and Solutions in Hiring for the Solar Energy Industry

The solar energy industry faces unique challenges in hiring. The industry’s rapid pace can sometimes outstrip the internal manpower and processes of companies.

However, these challenges can be overpowered by implementing proper HR processes, looking for individuals with transferable skills, and leveraging the expertise of specialized recruiters.

The Future of Work in the Solar Energy Industry

The future of work in the solar energy industry is set to be flexible. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that remote work is possible and can lead to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.

However, a balance must be struck between remote and office work to maintain company culture and facilitate learning for new employees.


Attracting engineers in the solar market is a multifaceted challenge, but it’s an achievable goal with the right strategies.

The demand for skilled engineers will only increase as the solar market grows.

By creating an engaging work environment, offering competitive salaries and growth opportunities, and recognizing the value of each employee, companies can attract the top talent they need to drive the solar revolution forward.


 1. What is the job outlook for the solar energy industry?

A – The job outlook for the solar energy industry is very positive, with a projected growth rate of 51% for solar photovoltaic installers from 2019 to 2029.

 2. What skills are in demand in the solar energy industry? 

A – Skills in demand range from technical skills such as installation, maintenance, and engineering to project management, sales, and distribution. There’s also a growing need for multidisciplinary skills, including business, environmental, and social science.

 3. How can companies attract top talent in the solar energy industry? 

A – Companies can attract top talent by offering competitive salaries, creating an engaging work environment, providing growth opportunities, and recognizing each employee’s value. Flexible working arrangements and strong company culture also play a crucial role.

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